To work with and alongside disadvantaged children, young people, whole families and members of the wider community, empowering local people to transform their neighbourhoods into places that are healthy, safe, supportive and full of opportunity.
The Community Centre continues to grow driven by the needs within the neighbourhood. It now opens seven days a week. It has become a safe and trusted place for all serving a diverse community with users coming from over 15 different ethnic groups. The Community Centre sees a footfall of 1,200 people a week providing empowerment activities, education and training for adults and youth activities including in the school holidays. (600 young people and children use the community centre each week).
The Community Centre also offers Support and Advocacy. The staff team are available to provide support to local residents through 1:1 sessions and referrals to relevant local support services. The areas the team offer support in include: a weekly job club that supports digital inclusion, benefits support including enabling people to access their Universal Credit account, housing, immigration, emotional support, parenting, child behaviour issues, support with children’s educational issues, developing connections and friendships in the community.